Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Time I Give A Pass ... 2x Is Stupidity!

Courtesy of Reuters:

Toni Michelle Braxton … Did the album not do way? Do you have shady people in your camp? Are you buyin’ Tiffany plates again? Or, girl you can’t add, subtract, multiply, let alone try to divide. I’m just sayin’… Come go now Toni B, spill the T.

“Grammy-winning singer Toni Braxton, whose string of hits in the 1990s included "Another Sad Love Song" and "Breathe Again," has filed for bankruptcy for a second time in her career.

In court papers, Braxton lists assets from $1 million to $10 million, and debts ranging from $10 million to $50 million. She filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy late last week, meaning she does not have the ability to pay existing debts.

Braxton, 42, began singing with her sisters in the 1980s and a solo career shortly thereafter, climbing record charts with her self-titled "Toni Braxton" in 1993, which sold over 8 million copies.

She earned Grammys for best new artist and best R&B female vocal in 1994, and followed that up with another Grammy win in 1995. Her second album in 1996, "Secrets," was equally successful as the first, and she added two more Grammys to her stash of awards.

But in 1998, she broke with her music company and filed her first bankruptcy, in what was the first of several career and personal setbacks. Still, she continued to perform and even shifted gears to singing and acting on stage and in films.

In 2008, while working in Las Vegas, Braxton was hospitalized for chest pains, and she later revealed -- when a contestant on TV's "Dancing With the Stars" -- she suffered from a vascular disease. Later that same year, Braxton underwent surgery to have a benign tumor removed from her breast.”

"According to TMZ, Braxton lists numerous creditors to whom she thinks she may owe money, including AT&T, The Four Seasons Hotels, Tiffany & Co., Orkin Pest Control, The Internal Revenue Service and Mesa Air Conditioning, among others.

This past March, she was slapped with a $400,000 federal tax lien.”

Seriously, from divorce from Keri Lewis, her second son Disel Ky Braxton-Lewis diagnosed with autism, having a benign lump removed from her breast, diagnosed with microvascular angina (Small vessel disease), and now a second bankruptcy, I tell ya. . .

Life just ain’t been no crystail stair
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor --
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now --
For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair. ~ Langston Hughes

Side Bar ~ Now real talk … My heart hurts for Toni B., but seriously what role did she play in her finances? Oprah told her the last time to sign all her checks.

Let me call up Momma O now.

Ring ... Ring ... Ring ...

Stedman put Momma on the phone

B’wood . . . Hold on. She in the kitchen talkin’ to Gayle

Momma... You ain’t gonna believe this ~ish.

You bet not be callin me about T’won, Keke and nem’ wanting some tickets!

NO . . .

What? You still trying to figure out how to make my pomegranate Martini?

No . . . Well dayuummm what?

You hungry?

Momma, you need to have a part-two on this farewell season with Toni Braxton and Fantasia.

The B*itch broke again

YESSUM, sho nuff is!

I’m tellin’ you momma, just have a Oprah 101 Remedial Financial Tutorial.

Oh, and bring Suze Orman too, so she can get loud and say



  1. DAG!! She needs a hit bad!!!

  2. Wow….mismanagement of money or something!


  4. Give me the money she obviously doesn’t need it…..or want it for that matter…..

  5. I hope she get's it together, she is a talented singer. When are your coming this way again?


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