Thursday, December 17, 2009

Inside A NBA Player's Cell Phone

This is another jumpoff story. Isn't anyone paying attention to Tiger Woods and what he is going thru. These NBA players should go to a class 101 about their jump offs, putting nude pics in your cell phone, and have phone conversations when they know it can be record. Here's what you can find if you look into a NBA player's cell phone

You can tell these pics are real and they haven't been alter look how big the suite and the master bathroom. Inside that bathroom I am only assuming there is a TV because there is a remote on the edge of the tub.

"I have a friend that has been with this NBA guy for some years. They just got married. She happened to find these pictures in her “mans” creep phone? Is this sexy for real? Dropping your pants and holding cellulite ass cheeks together? Then what makes this shit worse is the bitch knows that dude is married! And then is going behind him ironing the shit the wife packed him. I’m sorry but its 2010 niggas have got to be a little better. You couldn’t buy your jumpoff lingerie? My girl just filed for divorce from her no good athlete.
Bet it won’t be this bitch he wife's up next. Who does this shit? The outfit is out who wears this shit. Minnesota groupies get down! I would give names but it might not be good for her divorce that is in the process. But I did want YOU to see what GROUPIES DO!"


  1. These athletes betta take notes with Tiger Woods because the jump offs now a days are NOT playing. They want their money and fame too.

  2. at least be a smart cheater and slick enough not to get caught dumb azzez


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