Sunday, July 5, 2009


Now errrbody knows B~wood is all about his “chick flick”. Currently my catalog has been updated with Confessions of a Shopaholic, Bride Wars, Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail, and of course my latest sweet, and clever chick flick He’s Just Not Into You!

But, sometimes a kidd has to compromise. It can’t always be about B~wood, RIGHT?

Well this past weekend I went with my BF to see Transformers. Now mind you I grew up watching my Autobots and Decepticons, however, my BF took it to another level. He was so gung-ho, that he made sure we arrived exceptionally early!
Now we couldn’t just see Transformers at a regular theater.

No Ma’am!

I had to experience it in IMAX. Now really, Lawd knows I luv my BF, but DAMN! Optimus Prime does not need to me coming at me on a (72 ft) wide screen. Optimus is already huge, trust me I know firsthand. Literally, his camshaft and nuts were chillin' on my forehead. And, when the transformers rearranged their bodies into innocuous forms like vehicles and other devices, the surround sound was so powerful that I thought I was going to be speaking like Megatron for the rest of my life!

I sat and watched my BF, sitting on the edge of his seat mesmerized by the action that was taking place on the big screen. Clearly, the movie brought out the inner child in him.

It’s amazing how that childlike euphoria somehow spawned a certain sex appeal that clearly tickled my fancy, ummmm. . .when does this movie end, I kept asking myself.

Was I going to have to transform into Don’t Stop Until U Get Enough Man tonight!

Nonetheless, I think movie goers won’t be disappointed. Mr. Sexy Tyrese, Shia Leabeouf and OOOH SO FINE BLOW YO DAMN MIND Megan Fox will not disappoint ya’. Now Transformers is rated PG-13 so parents please be aware of the language, and some crude sexually material. And, I do mean crude. Some things that were said even made B~wood clutch his pearls. I said LAWD dem’ Autobots are sum’ nasty Thug Boys. Humph, I like that Thug Boy Twin named SKIDS. You know the one with the gold tooth.



  1. LOL......@ 72 ft screen. Your BF must be a real transformers fan.

  2. Why the twin autobots had to be GHETTO,can't read, and had a gold tooth in the mouth


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