Monday, January 7, 2013

"Scared of Beautiful"

Courtesy of

"Scared of Beautiful is a self record. It’s about you being afraid of being the best version of yourself. So many of us are afraid of being ourselves, I know I was afraid of that for a very long time. It’s so funny, its so easy to believe the bad about yourself and its harder to embrace the good. That’s what that song basically represents. You can kind of take it for whatever is going on in your life at the time, with insecurities or whatever. We all go through it, being the best us that we can possibly be."

Do you think you ever came to a point in your life, where you looked in the mirror and said, ‘I love who I am! I’m beautiful!’ and really accepted who you were as a person?

"I don’t think there was ever a moment where I was like, ‘Okay, I love myself.’ I just think over time, you realize it. For me, I really put in a lot of self-work. All I read is self-help, I journal a lot, I’m very honest with myself on how I feel. I just work hard every day to better myself, and I fall short all of the time but I like who I am right now. I really love the path that I’m on and where I’m going and of course, I still have my flaws that I need to work on, but its fun learning new things about yourself that you need to change. The greatest work of your life is growing and bettering yourself."

There was a quote that you said about continuing to be the best version of yourself. You said, ‘All fear does is keep you from the highest version of yourself. The truth is courage, but you need the fear to introduce you to the courage, just like you need the lie to recognize the truth.‘ You also said, ‘If you change your thinking, you will change your life. You got to prove to yourself that you already are what you want to be.‘ You’ve been through a lot in your life, can you tell us how you were you able to get through some of your darkest moments and get to a place of happiness?

"I think the hardest thing to do is to have faith when you are at your lowest point. When you understand that your thoughts and your feelings create your reality, you sort of have no choice but to think positive in those dark times. It’s very difficult, but in my darkest moments, I tried to keep myself uplifted. Even though I’ve had suicidal thoughts, not wanting to be here, not wanting to live my life, for whatever reason at the time, I’ve had those thoughts, I tried to move myself from them by thinking something else, or reading my books or listening to my gospel music, talking to my family or praying just to keep me into a better state. When you realize that your thoughts and feelings create your life, you have to do something about it. You can’t stick to thinking negative. Negative thinking is very dangerous. That’s my truth, so I try not to get stuck into thinking like that."

Side Bar ~ Ms. Norwood this song with definitely change lives!!!!!

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