Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sexiest Woman Alive 2012 ~ Mila Kunis


Courtesy of

"Mila Kunis as Sexiest Woman Alive. . . . REALLY?  Or as she might say (and did), If I wanted to charm the pants off you, I could. She talks like that and she looks like that, even when she's really not trying hard at all. A brief encounter with the most beautiful, opinionated, talkative, and funny movie star that we've all known since she was nine."

Milena Markovna Kunis aka Mila Kunis is my girl next door, surprisingly sexy chick, that we all been sleeping on.

I always like Mila when she played Jackie Burkhart on the television series "That's 70's Show".

But this Ukraine beauty won be over when she played Jaime in the movie "Friends With Benefits" with Justin Timberlake, Lily in the movie "Black Swain" and of course Lori Collins in 2012 movie "Ted".

So congratulations, Ms. Kunis . . . Make them Mutha F*ckah's drooL!!!

Side Bar ~  Ques?  . . . How in the heck did Macaulay Caulkin pull you?

 Dayumm, he was a lucky man and this must have been teenage luv . . . I'm just sayin'!!

Mila Kunis & Macaulay Caulkin 
Dated ~ 2002-2010

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree about her. I am looking for women with deep eyes, shaking all inside of me, with intelligence.. I know they exist.. Maybe they are hidden under clothes.. That's so easy to make a girl sexy to the world, just take photos of her almost naked. >;(
