Friday, August 17, 2012

Writer Of Our Time!!!!

Courtesy of Yosef

"My Love Affair With Facebook"

I remember how we first met. A friend had told me great things about you. You were the new chick in town that everyone was tryin to holla at. So I checked you out...did my research. When I finally decided to approach you, I was still a little skeptical because I didnt know REALLY what you were all about. Would I be wasting my time? Would I even know how to court you? So we started out slow...just a message here and there. A sporadic glance. Sometimes even an afterthought following a long day. It wasnt until I recognized that everyone was checking you out, that made me want you more. I went from a casual intrigue to an avid pursuer almost over night. I quickly became addicted to your every facet. We began taking pictures together and I introduced you to my friends. We would stay up late and talk for hours, leaving me tired the next morning. I told you my deepest darkest secrets. I would write you little notes sometimes. You even introduced me to some of your friends...those ties never got that deep though. I was obsessed. I would neglect church just to be with you. Risked my job just to check on you. I avoided my friends and family to be with you. I became a stranger to my loved much that they could only check on me THROUGH you. I would get lost in spending time with you. I had become an intense lover. I was caught in your web. However you were equally as intense. You became jealous. You began always wanting to know my whereabouts. All of the secrets I had told you, you began to share with others. Our business became EVERYONE's business and I had to explicitly tell you who not to share my information with. You had grown so unsatisfied with me that you invited others into our love. Soon we had 3-somes with Twitter and Instagram and Pandora. Our bond would never again be what it had started out as. We had grown so complex from such an innocent beginning. Who knew that we would end up in this place. I tried to leave you multiple times, but friends begged me to stay with you. It wasnt as if it was easy for me to leave you anyway, because you had grown a part of my day. I was hooked. I was trapped in an abusive relationship that I could not get out of. I lost friends because of you. Our relationship damaged my reputation. I used to be such a private person, but you told the world my flaws. You exposed my weaknesses. But I gave you my consent... Ignorantly permitted you to betray me and the love I had for you. However, everyone has a breaking point. Maybe this is mine. I can't lie and say that I'm leaving you alone cold turkey. But our love affair is over. I cant allow you to use me like I see you using everyone else. I will still be cordial to you. When I see you, I will speak and ask how everything is going. But don't expect me to be the fool that I once was. Now I know better. I see how you can tear a man down. And I realize that EVERYTHING DOESNT BELONG ON FACEBOOK.

~ Yosef

Side Bar ~ Langston Hughes said it best ~ "The thought becomes poetry and the poetry illuminates the thought".

Mr. Yosef thought-provoking words painted such a vivid picture that made me realize .

FB is the ish and is basically sayin'  ~  "I'mma put it down, you can fall in love!"


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