Thursday, August 16, 2012

Well Dayummm, Mrs. Bryant . . . She Did That!!!

Courtesy of (By Kelly Dwyer | Ball Don't Lie)

"Kobe Bryant's wife Vanessa filed for divorce last winter after claiming that the two's differences were irreconcilable, but the two eventually rekindled their union and appear to be on good terms. And, after a tough initial run together that featured an infamous bout of public infidelity, it appears as if Vanessa's good terms are going to be on her terms. She wants rings, she'll have you know. Don't bother even leaving the house if you're not going to come back with one.

Side Bar ~ Mrs. Bryant is about to read yo ass Kobe . . . Especially after all the sh*t she's been thru!

I'm just sayin'

"From a New York Magazine transcription from Sports on Earth's Nicki Jhabvala, as tipped off to us by The Basketball Jones:

"I certainly would not want to be married to somebody that can't win championships. If you're sacrificing time away from my family and myself for the benefit of winning championships, then winning a championship should happen every single year."

"Perhaps someone should tell Vanessa Bryant that showcasing a good work ethic that sometimes leaves you away from the home for long stretches doesn't always lead to championships. It just means you're probably going to be good at your job."

"Here is where you can go into the, "perhaps if Vanessa Bryant had a job …"-territory, but don't. She's raising two daughters, which is a full time gig that is to be respected. We should just ask that she choose her words more carefully, I suppose. She entered into a union with Bryant knowing full well that NBA players spend half a season on the road, and that stars of Bryant's caliber spend untold days and weeks overseas fulfilling sponsorship duties. You know, all the stuff that leads to all those houses and all those cars and even helicopters; things that sometimes only lead to a 45-win record despite 35 points per game. Kobe can shoot a thousand jumpers every summer afternoon, but it's not going to mean much if he still has to team up with Smush Parker in the fall."

"It's easy to understand what Vanessa is getting at, but she can't have it both ways here. It's true that Kobe Bryant's work ethic might be unmatched amongst NBA players, but it's a gig that keeps you away from home regardless of championship potential. Add in the fact that this is a team game and that no star (no matter how great, or how many hours put in) can win a championship just about by himself, and you're left with a pretty silly statement."

"We can't say we're especially looking forward to reading the rest of this interview when the New York Magazine hits the newsstands."

Side Bar ~ I definitely understand (writer) Kelly Dwyer's point. But, I also understand where Mrs. Bryant is coming from.  She definitely, should have known what she was signing up for when she married Kobe. Hell, she gets to live in the "Fab Lane", and has even decided to take him back after his cheating ways. 

But, the real question is . . . Can Kobe maintain a balance of strong work ethic and tending to his family emotional needs, (and not every groupie needs)? . . . PUN INTENDED!


Mrs. Bryant spoke her mind, and I ain't mad at her!


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