Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Courtesy of NecoleBitchie.com

Any and errr'body who knows me, knows I luv this man . . . I will take him everywhichaway!

With hair, no hair, fully clothed, completely naked, or a simply Black T.

Truly, in my head he is my, BFF and  husband for life . . . Okay, wishful thinking I know.

But dang, you can't knock a brotha for lusting . . . I mean tryin'!

Well over the weekend I took a few pictures of my baby daddy, (oop's I mean he twitted a few pictures to his followers):

"He decided to switch up his look and shave off his facial hair. He tweeted to his followers:"

Now don’t think I’m stayin clear shaved…I dedicated to my craft but Forever Ursha Baby….I’m be back in a two weeks."

@SterlingGirl81 I’m reading for a very important movie role.

I look 18…lol. Don’t make me take my shirt off! The truth is it all starts over at 33…just look.

@justinbieber…I’m tellin you…it all starts over!! Now that I cut this beard off….I’m gonna harder that I ever have…Watch this!!

I gotta study….otherwise, I’m gonna be mad I cut my beard off for nothing. I’m gonna get this. I’m out!

Side Bar ~ Usher - B'wood - Terry - Raymond -IV our birthdates are two days apart, I'm a Libra, your a Libra, your thirty-three, I'm thitty-three.

I'm Tall, Black and Handsome, and your just ---OOH SO PHYNE!!!

The stars are lined up, where a match made in heaven. . . RIGHT, RIGHTTTTTTT???????
Oh, hell he'll come around EVENTUALLY!

P.S. ~ You could have taken it off.. I need to see what thirty-three is all about!



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