Monday, October 31, 2011

Well That's A Wrap!!!

Courtesy of

"Looks like there was no happily ever after for this “fairytale.” After just 72 days of marriage, Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce from Kris Humphries, according to Ryan Seacrest’s Twitter feed. Seacrest, who serves as executive producer on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, wrote this afternoon, “Yes @kimkardashian is filing for divorce this morning. I touched base with her, getting a statement in just a few mins.”

Kardashian and Humphries, who were married Aug. 20, aired their grandiose wedding on E! earlier this month with a two-day special. Kim’s Fairytale Wedding has continued to air on repeats on the station since. The former couple also recently appeared on Ellen to renew their vows."

Side Bar ~ This is so sad.... More and more, marriage just doesn't seem appealing to me.

Oprah and Stedman, I'm joining your team. Ya'll seem to know how to make it work.

I was so hoping all the rumors about Kris and Kim-Kim were lies, but, I guess every rumor got a lil' truth in it!


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