Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stop The Mutha F*ckin Press . . . WTF!

Momma Huxtable... G'rl what in the world?

Now we all know Phylicia Rashad normally be on point.

But, OOOH d-d-d-d-d- dear said Piglet (From Winnie The Pooh)

Momma, the glossy dura-tuff blend rain poncho is so distracting me. I can't take it!!!!

 Hmm...maybe she's going green and it's made out of recyclable material.

Okay, Fam. . . I am so reaching because Momma Huxtable is so darn beautiful!

Now if this was her sister Debbie Allen, then hell the heifer does what she wants to do, but, normally Phylicia Rashard is of a different caliber.

Clearly, their has to be an explanation . . . Maybe it's a Mardi Gras X!clusive to compliment the purple carpet.  But, don't do that sh*t no more.

Stealing people shower curtain should be a crime . . . I'm just sayin'!

Side Bar ~ However, I love the hair and make-up... Lookin' 35-40 -ish perhaps.


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