Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Esquire's Sexiest Women Alive . . .

Dayumm It... She earned ever bit of that title.

In the lastest Esquire Magazine Rihanna also talks about the infamous Chris Brown incident.

"It's incredible to see how he pulled out of it the way he did. Even when the world seemed like it was against him, you know? I really like the music he's putting out," she says. "I'm a fan of his stuff. I've always been a fan. Obviously, I had some resentment toward him for a while, for obvious reasons. But I've put that behind me. It was taking up too much of my time. It was too much anger. I'm really excited to see the breakthrough he's had in his career. I would never wish anything horrible for him. Never. I never have."

Side Bar ~ Ri-Ri seems like she's coming into her own, and loving her 100%, sexy, "grown-ass" women status. Fam' I must say, earning the coveted title of Pop-Icon Princess is inevitable!

Yet, some would say Britney Spears has that on lock . . . I dare to say Britney Who?


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