Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nude Pics Of Steph Jones Leaked

It seems to be a never-ending cycle of celebrities leaking pictures andSteph Jones is one of the latest ones to have his goods spread all over the net. The model/singer has teased his fans with racy pictures before but, this time around he leaves nothing to the imagination. 

Pics courtesy of Carlton Jordan

P.S. I just felt like I need to smoke after I just j/o from  these pics 




  1. That is the best thing anyone could ever give me. I've been praying for the day they would leak lol. Hope he retreats to MoCity after this so I can holla at him. lmao

  2. I wanna see you there yellow booty

  3. DAMMMNNN!!! I wish that was my bedroom he was in, WOW GORGEOUS!!!


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