Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My First "Date" . . .

My first date, like the fruit....

Centered pit without a root

Looking at me...Gentle eyes

Is he reading my thoughts?

Semi sweet and bitter to the tongue

Is he pretentious or am I just cautious?

My heart is beating, my soul... nauseous

This forbidden desire to taste...

My very first transparent "DATE"... 

We get to first base, common attraction...

2nd base ...that chemical reaction

Trying to control the testosterone

That makes me daydream

Of tasting my first date forever...

3rd comes the lie

A part of my heart will surely die

If I keep going thru these ups and downs

My first "DATE" ...tastes sour and I frown.

Trying to keep all of this in...

4th base? Hell no...he'll just be a friend!

Tucking my emotions away...

They were ready to embrace my first date.

Now the night has come to a close.

What a waste of my time!

Looking at the silver penny

Trying to be a copper dime...

Leading me...fooling me hoping again...

I drive off in the sunset 

I leave my first date...shriveled and dark

Oversized but good for my soul...

For my soul needed reality...

And I won't accept that blind fatality

Hid my heart, 4th base and Soul...

Now I'm back at it again

Another tasty "DATE"...

Oh my this will never ever end!!!!! 

~ Written by: Shawn "Fearless" Johnson

Side Bar ~ Book entitled 'Poems From The 4-Leaf Clover Field', pg. 46


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