Monday, April 11, 2011

Is This The Next Best Thang To Unconditional Love?

Clearly, I have lost my Mutha Freakin' mind…

Yesterday, I just became overwhelmed with sadness and sorrow. 5 ½ months have past, yet, I’m still coping with the lost of my Dad, who passed in October 2010.

Depression appears to have consumed my soul and I’m finding it hard to deal with the insidious pressures of everyday life.

I know my BF loves me . . .  Really he does . . . However, sometimes he just can’t fill that gaping hole in my heart that seeps out pain and misery.

Each day fam’ I realize that one day I have to step out of this armor of self-pity and dispiritedness and adorn myself with pearls of glee. However, until that day comes gloom and melancholy is who B’wood chooses to be!

Well yesterday I think I hit my breakin’ point.

Now I always wanted a Miniature Schnauzer, however, I settled for a Yorkie because that’s what my boyfriend wanted. Now don’t get me wrong I love my Lil Maxwell aka Maxi and he surely loves me, yet, just for once I wasn’t in the mood, for a consensus, give-and-take treaty, compromise, accommodation, negotiation, nor arrangement, it was just going to be hassle free and all about B!

I know . . . I know . . . That perhaps is a tad bit selfish of me. Not to mention Lil Maxi looked as if to say… Awww Hell To Tha NAW… This some Bull-ish Daddy B!

But, I just had to do this one thing for lil ol’ me!

So here he is fam’ Lil “Denim” Harris.

Welcome Home Lil Soulja!

Side Bar ~ Realization just hit me. . . Two dogs … What the f*ck was I thinkin’ B?



  1. I have a mini Schnauzer. He is the best. He just turned a year old. Make sure you break him out of the barking as soon as he starts. You have another 3-4 months to get to that stage tho. Don't let him be like those annoying ass Schnauzer that bark at every damn person that walk by.

  2. Awwwwww... B that puppy is really cute!!!! I want a dog, but i am trying to hold off until a get a new job to spend more time with it--

    CONGRATS on the addition to your family:)


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