Friday, March 25, 2011

Mrs. Wendy Williams Went Into Mommy Mode!

Side Bar ~ Momma got into that ass . . . I thought for a second Chris Breezy was her son Lil Kev!

Good Job Mrs. Wendy Williams-Hunter!



  1. I saw that this morning, condemn Chris Brown, but clap and cheer for Charlie Sheen, REALLY? She need to ask Breezy to teach her how to dance, moving like a brick house! SMDH

  2. Wendy Williams messy ass need to go sit down because she can't offer no type of advice when she likes to keep drama going...

  3. Wendy is a mess but she did clean house on Chris. Thumbs up because she's 100% Right. Especially with his Boy arms and Girl Tight pants. It don't matter about Charlie Sheen ... we looking at yo CrazyAss Mr. Brown. Sheen has paid his dues ... right now Chris is crying about paying rent.


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