Sunday, July 11, 2010

Restore Plain Ol' B!

Lord, I’m so not perfect.

Yet, I try to be the best . . . B aka B’wood I can be … Yet, I feel I fall short every time.

I listen and listen and listen to the lyrics of J.Moss "Rebuild" song and allow his message to penetrate my heart and permeate thru my soul.

Yet, I question why the manifestation of happiness seems to escape me.

I question why I’m never content.
I question why I seem to struggle every day.
I question why I deal with depression & sorrow.
I question why my faith isn’t as strong as it should be.

But more importantly, I question why I have the audacity to question God’s Favor over my life.

I do realize I’m so blessed … I have a home, I’m employed, I have decent health, I have people who truly do love me.

Yet, I continue to feel inadequate in so many areas of my life.

So Lord I seek your guidance and ask you to Make Me Over, Renew My Spirit and make the Man that stands before you whole.

B’xclusive, B’wood, Brent or Plain ol’ B … surrenders it all.

Lord I need you to take away my arrogant disregard of your all knowing power and just allow you to “Stretch my Faith” and REBUILD me!


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