Molester ~
a) to annoy, disturb, or persecute especially with hostile intent or injurious effect.
b) to make annoying sexual advances to; especially : to force physical and usually sexual contact on
"INJURIOUS EFFECT" . . . Those words are rather powerful!
I watched this interview over and over and over again … And, I just don't think you can take away the deep-rooted pain that a molester can cause in someone's life.
Hearing someone say "I’m Sorry" and "Please, forgive me" still has me consumed with numbness.
I question how a person is supposed to cope and go on with life.
Ultimately, survivors do move on the best way they know how, but, it still seems to haunt them!
Side Bar ~ I love Monique and I believe she’s found a way to extinguish her pain.
I just pray that this disease, desire or manifestation to want to molest someone becomes extinct.
But, I still hate the fact that even after the band-ade is removed it still leaves and ugly scar!
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