Courtesy of Advocate Magazine....
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Georgia isn’t the most gay-friendly state, but Atlanta is undoubtedly our gayest city—with 29 gay bars here, there’s a reason it’s dubbed Hotlanta. Atlanta’s several queer events include one of the nation’s largest Prides in October (returning to Piedmont Park this year), and MondoHomo, a May event celebrating art, drag, burlesque, film, and BBQ. The gay epicenter is Midtown, anchored by Outwrite Books, a giant gay bookstore bucking the national trend—by staying in business! Atlanta guys are hunky, the ladies are gracious, the gay sports leagues are seriously well organized, and its housewives (and their gay BFFs, complete with handbags and heels) are now camp icons. And who doesn’t love the sweet lilt of a Georgia accent on a knockout guy or gal?
2. Burlington, Vt.
Vermont’s largest city may seem deceptively sleepy (Vermonters tend to be quiet about their beliefs), but it’s the epicenter of the state’s equality efforts. There are several out members in the state legislature (if not on the city council), and nearby Ben & Jerry’s renamed its Chubby Hubby flavor “Hubby Hubby” to celebrate the state’s marriage equality law.
3. Iowa City
The no-nonsense swing state city is infused with intellectual curiosity. The state supreme court ruling in favor of marriage equality is but one moment in a long history of progressive decisions. Home of the famous Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a thriving arts community, this is where Brokeback Mountain’s Ennis and Jack would have bought a house and adopted kids, in the alternate ending of that romance.
4. Bloomington, Ind.
This forward-thinking college town is a magnet city for gays in the Grain Belt. It’s also home to Indiana University, where Miss Gay IU—said to be the first student-sponsored drag competition held on any campus—is in its 20th year. The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction is also here, inspiring the entire town to be heteroflexible.
5. Madison, Wis.
Madison is often called the Berkeley of the Midwest—the east side is hippie-crunchy, there’s a brand-new gay dance club (Plan B), and heaps of cute blond dreadlocked nuevo organic farmer dudes can be found at the Willy Street Co-op or the Farmers’ Market drinking their own beer from mason jars.
6. New Orleans
With Southern Decadence, the Saints and Sinners LGBT writers conference, gay Mardi Gras krewes, the gay Easter Parade, and 18 gay bars within walking distance of each other in the Quarter, this unsinkable town has a tolerant attitude toward gayness that’s been in place since before the Civil War.
7. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
In the late ’80s, Fort Lauderdale exorcised the college partiers and MTV’s Spring Break and transformed itself into a place for gays to vacation, indulge (there are more than 25 bars and clubs in the area), settle down, or escape South Beach. The suburb of Wilton Manors has 1,270% more gay men per capita than the national average, and Fort Lauderdale’s newly elected mayor, Jack Seiler, is vocally supportive of gay and lesbian equality.
8. Portland, Maine
Maine may have lost its marriage law (for now, while it retains domestic partnerships) but the independent Maine mentality is alive and well in this picturesque city. It’s sweet, romantic, and too small for bitchy queens and their toxic attitudes. Energetic young businesses like fermented-honey booze-maker Maine Mead Works and the popular men’s clothing label Rogues Gallery have established it as a harbor for creativity as well as tolerance.
9. Austin
This countercultural lefty Shangri-la in the middle of Texas has been going through a growth spurt. But no matter how cosmopolitan their home gets, gay and lesbian residents will always take their barbeque, two-stepping, and live music culture seriously. Many visitors say that this city’s sophisticated, lively lesbian social scene rivals those of New York and Los Angeles. And the clothing-optional swimming area Hippie Hollow attracts thousands of au naturel gays for the semiannual Splash Weekends.
10. Seattle
The birthplace of grunge and upscale coffee, and home to numerous cute bois and dykes with piercings, Seattle has a gay scene that’s as comfortably inescapable as the Space Needle. Even as luxury condos and pricey wine bars sprout up, alternative venues like the newly renovated Pony in Cap Hill are keeping it real.
11. Gainesville, Fla.
Anchored by the University of Florida, Gainesville is a surprisingly hospitable area for gay and lesbian Floridians who have no desire to work for Disney or deal with all that Miami nonsense. Queer college kids mix well with aging gays here. The city was also named by now-defunct Blender magazine in 2008 as the best place to start a band.
12. Asheville, N.C.
With its thriving art scene and adorable homes, Asheville is a prime example of the new gay South. And it’s only getting gayer: Newly elected city councilman Gordon Smith says extending domestic-partner benefits to LGBT city employees will be among the council’s top priorities this year.
13. Springfield, Mass.
When you think of gay Massachusetts, you may think Northampton or Provincetown. But now, thanks to a string of pro-gay municipal actions and progressive former mayor Michael Albano, Springfield has become an example of how a state’s pro-gay legislation can transform a city.
14. San Diego
Why San Diego when L.A. is so close? (The question almost answers itself.) San Diego has always been more bi-friendly, mellower, less snooty, and a place to which L.A. gays frequently escape. Black’s Beach is a famous nude sunning spot, and there’s even an annual gay rodeo.
15. Albuquerque, N.M.
This largest city in New Mexico has become a hotbed for Southwestern gays as well as space aliens (Roswell is an easy drive away). The hipster hood of Nob Hill, marked by neon signage, is its gayborhood, but gays are scattered throughout this expanding city. Exhale (formerly Renea’s) is the only lesbian bar between Dallas and Phoenix.
Side Bar ~ Now in Black Gay America according to B'wood:
(No particular order, then again, who we kiddin' . . . I'm just sayin')
1) Atlanta
2) Washington, D.C.
3) Miami
4) Chicago
5) Philly
6) Houston
7) New York
8) Louisiana
9) St Louis
10)Virgina, Virgina Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake... Hell the whole Tide Water Area!
11) Not to mention dem' North & South Cacalacky, Mississippi, Southern Boi's are somethin' else.
*** Jersey, and sho' nuff Detroit you ain't exempt either. ***
Oh and for the record one year I went to visit my best friend in Beavercreek, OH (Lawd ain't nothin' there) plus attend a Beyoncè concert. Of course Beyoncè brings out the chil'ren. But, damn I was sleepin on Ohio. So Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus . . . HOW U DOIN'!
I moved to Atlanta from San Francisco 18 months ago. While I find the results funny and personally ironic, it is interesting. It would be more interesting if the "data" were available to peruse. Exactly what does "cruising places" even mean anymore? hahaha. Can't we click on the icons to see some detail?
ReplyDeletethere should be a recount, and diversity should be shown (i.e. racially) of the data used to conduct the survey - are we speaking on the GLBT demographic as a whole, or is this skewed based on what is more popular amongst racial groups practicing homosexuality.
ReplyDeleteIm Atlanta born Atlanta bred and I really wish they would find somewhere else to go with that. While out with my little cousin he saw two grown men kiss and asked why are those two men kissing? Just played it off like I didnt hear no way to explain that to a 5yr old b/c thats not something I feel is right and dont want him to think its ok. I sometimes wonder if its just a fad seem like everybody wanna be gay nowadays. Everybody jumping on that lady case for what she said but she's just saying whats already been written. And for the person saying dnt like move WRONG! I dont think anybody should have to leave where there comfortable b/c homosexuality is making them uncomfortable b/c if it was the other way around they'd be trying to make some kinda law to protect them. I love my city just hate whats going on it its like a 2010 Saddam and Gomorrah but everybody gotta give an acct for the life they live.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Go Atlanta! I'm not ashamed but thankful that we have such a diverse city. I'm straight but I have no problem with the gay population. I am a Christian and do not judge people for their choices. It doesn't matter where you live because the gay community is here to stay; it is what it is...... Just be accepting and loving!
ReplyDeleteMy partner and I moved to beautiful Asheville, NC (No. 12) from San Diego (No. 14)- getting closer to his aging parents and determining that we we not going to work for a mortgage. Although there is much we miss in San Diego, we like the fact that there is no geographic gay enclave that creates barriers, hindering interaction with all the folk that make Asheville unique- liberals, conservatives, Bible thumpers, the irreligious, Blacks, Whites, professionals, artisans, folk living paycheck to paycheck, intellectuals and simple minded but genuine people. We are both very out and accepted by all stripes at our places of work, represented by all those groups of people. There is not a strident gay attitude - for good or bad - in Asheville, for all the things we lack that other states offer. People just want to live their lives honestly and to the fullest- the mountains seem to promote this. The local Pride Festival- no parade- seemed more like a small town picnic- very refreshing.
ReplyDeleteYou've got to be kidding! Atlanta has some of the finest women in the US and guys want to be with guys?! I'm not against gays by any means. That's a choice they chose to make. I have to say God created Eve for Adam so I don't think he is capable of making mistakes. I'm not going to say it's so wrong or go on some sort of rant about gay lifestyles. If you're with someone who makes you happy, then be with them but please don't think that God had something to do with it. I'm from the "country"...OHIO! I lived in Atlanta for a few years and lost my mind over the beautiful women! The ratio at the time was 15:1 women to men! I thought I had died and gone to heaven!