ESPN Fires Racist Blogger For Insensitive Remarks About Haiti:
Read below ~
“I do not know if what I’m about to write makes me a monster…,” wrote former NBA player Paul Shirley before launching into a racially insensitive, open letter-styled attack on the people of Haiti in a blog post yesterday.
Dear Haitians –
First of all, kudos on developing the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Your commitment to human rights, infrastructure, and birth control should be applauded.
As we prepare to assist you in this difficult time, a polite request: If it’s possible, could you not re-build your island home in the image of its predecessor? Could you not resort to the creation of flimsy shanty- and shack-towns? And could some of you maybe use a condom once in a while?
The Rest of the World
"ESPN.com, which employed Shirley as a contributor, quickly released a statement yesterday firing the blogger. “He will no longer contribute to ESPN,” read the statement."
"Shirley, 32, who describes himself as a “basketball vagabond,” has played for 11 teams and 5 countries in his brief professional career."
SideBar ~ Well I truly believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however, Mr. Shirley I think your comments were heartless & irresponsible. Not everyone is privileged to the luxuries we have. Thus, I feel it’s a low blow to ostracize & scold our Haitian brothers and sisters. I can't even imagine being in their shoes. We can agree to disagree, yet, I would like to believe that if you were to trade places for 24 hours, you perhaps would revere compassion for their plight.
People of Haiti my heart is with you!
He just needs some island dick and he'll be right as rain.