Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gay Twin Porn Stars Going To Jail

A man known to police as “Spider-Man” for his daring escapes and who starred in gay porn videos with his twin brother has been sentenced to three years in prison for burglary in New Jersey. Taleon Goffney received the sentence Monday after striking a plea deal with prosecutors in Camden.

Authorities say he sawed through the roofs of businesses and scaled wires to get out. Police also say Goffney once broke out of a police car and swam across a pond in handcuffs to avoid being caught. The 27-year-old is serving prison time in Pennsylvania, and has resolved charges in Florida, Alabama and Delaware.

His twin brother, Keyontyli, is free after being sentenced in September to time served in New Jersey.



  1. People may call these men’s actions with each other GROSS but in my opinion the sex women are having with men today is just as GROSS.

    You women are allowing ALLEGED STRAIGHT MEN TO STICK THEIR DICKS IN YOUR ASSHOLES? I’ll never understand the logic of what you women call GROSS.

    I don’t care what a gay man or lesbian woman does sexually with somone of the same sex because they’re not doing it with me, and neither will they be doing it with me but i’m not going to feel what these men are doing with each other is no more GROSS as the sex you women are currently having with ALLEGED STRAIGHT MEN.

    Everyone needs to take a look at what you call SEX today because a lot of you are lost in space when it comes to this subject

  2. OMG, they preform sex act on each other!!!! Think about their poor parents, that is so sad.

  3. How sick is that!! Having sex with your own sibling.

  4. it’s not a problem (for me at least) that they have sex with men, but the fact that they are brothers is what makes them nasty. i wouldnt go around having sex with my sister or brother or any of my family members for that matter. i understand the appeal they have to their fans, but still it is gross nonetheless.


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