I unmasked . . .
I prayed this morning, and asked the “Lord if he would be able to dissolve away any impurities and prepare myself to face another day.”
I want to receive the maximum benefits of his blessings.
Yet, to my dismay, I received no answer.
Brent Dionn Harris, yeah . . . that’s my government name. However, one day I made a conscious decision to spell my middle name D-E-O-N or on a special day Déon, because kids in school would question. Hmmm, isn’t D–I-O-N-N the girls spelling of that name.
I remember as a kid questioning my mom about the spelling and she politely replied that’s all she knew.
Perhaps, it’s just a name, yet, it’s my identity, my being, or my personal claim to fame.
However, on November 03, 2009 I somehow despised that name. I felt like I had hit rock bottom, and by far encountered one of my lowest days.
OOOOH, how I wish “Precious” was my God-given name.
I sat at work somewhat in a daze . . . phones ringing, conversations around me, yet, oblivious to the fact that one or more people kept calling out my name.
See I kept thinkin’ to myself I need a plan . . . Some plan, any plan that would destroy this pain. I’m ready to check out, and face the consequences of my means to an end. See, I've been down this road, and unsuccessful as you can see, but, hopefully this time there won't be a Part 3.
Lord don’t you think my day should be filled with joy, happiness, satisfaction, or just a mere inkling of delight. Because, this November chill has exposed my cold, raw, grim, illusion of despair and has unmasked my downheartedness and despondent life.
But, once again I'm here to see another day hoping somethin’ will trigger and will open my shades to an abundance of sunlight. But, if not I hope I touched at least one person and made them Laugh, Smile, and just B . . . because being Xclusive is your Right!
B baby whats really going on? This worries me.