10. He Likes To "Pretend" To Dance Like A Woman. While a 50 Cent or Jay Z song is on, they on the wall looking mad. But, as soon as Beyonce comes on, he is all over the dance floor poppin' his booty and doing it better than you girl. Yeah, you think he’s playin' and trying to make you laugh. But chile he’s really not. Besides ladies, you don’t want no man, who be poppin' his booty to Beyonce. That’s a no no.
9. He's Always With His Best Friend. I mean always together like two females. Always working out together, always on the phone together. And, you as the girlfriend wonder why he spends more time with his best friend than with you. Cause donkey you are his cover up. And, as long as he is with you, no one will think that he is gay. Wake up sistah!
8. He Picks An Argument With You For No Reason. And, then leaves the house for hours. He does this so he has time for the both of you and his down low lover. So be cautious chile, if your man is always picking arguments with you and leaves the house for hours. If he’s not hiding that he’s gay, he’s hiding something. And, that’s another story, another time, and another place chile!
7. Look At His Walk. Does your dude walk too, too hard. So hard that it's noticeable. I mean y'all don't want your man to walk all gay like me. Cause, honey I sash-shay down the block like Naomi Campbell in the hood and what. (Really, that's not my style, but, it is a great example - Sorry that's my disclaimer).
But anyway, what is the hard, hard walk for. Oh, I know, you think if you walk all hard and tough then all people won't think that you are gay. But, you don’t realize, your walk is just as noticeable as my Naomi walk. You can fool the people, but you can’t fool me chile. Cause, I know what you are covering up with that walk. The only difference between us is. . . I have the out the closet I’m gay walk. And, you have the in the closet I’m on the down low walk. Whatever!!!!.
6. He's Extremely Secretive. This sign is for all you parents out there. If you have a son who sneaks out the house a lot, and you rarely know his whereabouts most of the time. And mostly dudes call the house for him and he rarely talks about girls. Mama! MAMA! You dun' raised a Queen.
Basically, if you know nothing about your son lifestyle, it’s because he doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t want you to know that he is gay, that’s why everything with him is a big secret. Most of this secret lifestyle starts to happen around the age of 15. By then most boys should know if they like girls/boys or both.
5. He Always Talks About How Chicks Want To Get At Him. But, in reality you never see him with none of the good girls, classy chicks, chicken-heads or scallywags. He's probably just saying them things to make you think he’s straight and to throw you off. In reality, all them chicks he talks about are really men. Okay....
4. He Hits And Beats On Women. I’m sorry, a real man does not hit a woman. But, a down low man will. Now, wait a minute some women do like getting a little roughed up, choked out, a little weave pulling during sex child. But that’s another story chile. Another story, because I can get a lil' rough-n-stuff, and throw in some Timbs for good measure. TAKE THAT D*** - (Oops, I got carried away). My, bad!
I’m talking about those Ike and Tina Turner beatings. He's just trying to prove to the world that he is a heterosexual man. Knowing deep inside he is a big ol' Queen inside. Girl if your man is beating on you like that. Sister girl wake up, before it’s too late. True story!
3. He's Always Calling Somebody Else Gay. A dude that is just always sayin' that dudes is gay, he’s how u doin! He looks gay. He acts gay. He dresses gay. He walks gay. SHUT UP! You just want him to be gay, so you can have him. Stop calling everyone else gay and call the person who truly is gay and on the down low and that’s you. You know yo taste buds ain't cravin no PUSS*!
2. He Wants To Make Love From Behind. If your man always want to give it to you in your butt every time you have sex, and gets mad when you don’t want to . . . take that . . . take that. Girl, that’s a sign. Because child, if your man like poking you in the booty. What makes you think he wouldn’t mind poking me. I'm just sayin'!
Also, if your man likes for you to put fingers or your tongue around his exit or some cases revolving exit and entrance door, yeaaah he a freak girl in all, a bisexual down low freak. And I shouldn’t have to tell you this one. But, if your man likes for you to strap on a dildo and give it to him. CHILE BOO! Girl, now you know you need to wake up. Or you don’t care. Okay, Star Jones whatever makes you happy chile. Also, be caution if your man likes threesomes with you, him and another man. Not another girl, but another man. How u doin? ALL RIGHT! I mean I know it ain't fun if the homies can't have none, but, damn that ish don't apply to yo main chick! Let's be REAL!
1. He's Homophobic. Is your dude always angry with gay people for no reason. Does he always have somethin' negative to say about gay people. Does every time he see a gay dude, he got to make a comment like chi chi man or pillow biter or bullet. He is only saying these things to get the gay boy attention. Because deep inside he wants that gay boy or he wants to be free and happy like him. So he hates on the gay boy, because the gay boy can careless of what folks has to say about him and he’s going to be himself.
A real man will see a gay boy and say nothing. It’s always them damn down, down, down low ones who always got somethin' to say. But to all my out the closet men, who have to deal with this. Ignore. Trust me. It’s the best medicine. But anyway, ladies be very caution if your man always got something to say about gay men. Cause behind close, close, close doors. I mean closed door # 3. Yeah, he’s probably bent over taking it better than you, not to mention, girl I heard he can take a mean Di**. That's just what I heard!
Side Bar ~ How u Doin' Jon-Jon aka Jonathan Plummer. Plummer, Ummmm, HMMM . . . We all need a good Plummer from time to time!
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