This statement caused me great confusion, as I had no idea what the hell getting some Becky meant. The hell? Did it mean general sex with a white girl? Getting your credit score raised? A new car from daddy? What the fu**, man? Your B-Woods is a lil' slow on this so I had to get a clear understanding what Getting some Becky meant.
Then came U-Neeka (my resident HOOD CHICK)to tell me that Becky was indeed a new “hit” song by Plies. Frankly, if anything out of Plies mouth is a hit to anyone here, you need to go kill yourself this very minute. That’s right, don’t wait to finish this post or even read the following sentence that might anger you, because it would just be best for everyone if you just drink a hot glass of tang and fermented goat coochie secretions (but, then again he is freaky though. . . Me like-e that part.) Damn, I so didn't mean to veer left.
After going to youtube and finding the video for this song called Becky, which is where the slang came from, my obviously old and out of touch ass, came across this.
I now gather that getting some Becky is the slang for receiving fellatio. Yes, LAWD! Having dick and balls in someone’s mouth is now synonymous with the generic slang for White Woman; Becky.
Now this is the shyt that really confuses me. In 2009, why is fellatio still synonymous with white women? Back in the horrible dark times, the substantiated belief, was that Black women did not give oral sex. To Black women, that was considered the ultimate transgression of your womanhood, and considered pure Hoe-shit.

It was this bull-shyt mentality that indeed kept white women’s stock extremely high with Black men. Shiiiit, white girls were trading HIGH on the Nasdaq because the other common belief was that white woman aka clear people performed oral sex just for the heck of it. Just for the thrill of it, just for the fun of it. Just for the taste of it, even.
And it was true. They didn’t have any ridiculous hang-ups about oral sex, which is why your white friends usually looked very chipper and bright. Getting your orifice licked, will do that for ya.
But now in 2009, a young guy can receive fellatio quicker than making Nesquick. Seriously! Go to the kitchen and get a glass, some ice cold milk and some chocolate syrup, then begin making some chocolate milk. In the time it took to do that, some dude has introduced himself and placed his d*** in someone’s mouth.
Hell, fortunately for us these days, NOT performing oral sex is actually looked DOWN UPON. Shiiit if you know someone not receiving some head from their partner, you feel horrible for their ass, and when you speak to someone that doesn’t perform oral, you wonder how in the fudge are they IN a relationship!!
So what’s the point of making a song/slang that equates getting sloppy top with white chicks?
And how racist is THAT shyt?
Let Linkin Park make a song about unwed Black women with several kids, and called that shyt; Keisha. ” peep that Keisha right thuurrrr, no man... but got kids, 3 colours in her hurrrr”
Black folks would be picketing all day everyday!
”wanna fu** ya, no not love ya, have some kids then I’ll dump ya, Gimme that Kisha!”
And if you see a white girl in the club dancing to this shyt, you need to do her a favour and just kick her in the face. That’s right. Just kick her all in her damn face.
In the end I don’t know if Plies is the idiot for making this song, or me for even wanting the boy to make sense.
Aint, gonna lie. Shit is kinda funky.
Sidebar ~ What is B~wood going thru today?
This is the reason why I dont listen to most hip-hop these days, especially from the "dirty, dirty". It is just plain stupid and no real musicality to it.