Afternoon everyone . . .
B'wood, B!Xclusive, Big Daddy B or just plain ol' B will be the first brotha to admit loud and proud that I absolutely love Oprah.
I know often she caters to her estrogen driving audience and perhaps maybe it's my inner sensitive side, that allows her to motivate me, but, clearly whatever it is I'm in awe of Ms. O!
Well today my philosophical side rose to the surface and I became puzzled to the fact that I didn’t have any black or white answers to these questions. Nonetheless, my left hemisphere was intrigued and I thought perhaps I would share this with my fellow kindred family soul.
Maybe you guys have the answers to these questions or maybe not? However, I realized today, that clearly the answer for me is being validated! Validated perhaps even with a Notary Public that B you are somebody, and your al'right!
O says. . . .
"In our current economic state, we have a choice: We can reside in a place of desperation, panic, and fear—or we can literally give ourselves some breathing space. Take in a few deep breaths. Exhale. And focus on what we need instead of what we've been striving to have.
When was the last time you thought about what really makes you feel good? Just thinking about that walk through the woods with my dogs brings a smile to my spirit.
What fills you up? What matters most to you?
For me, it's finding teachable moments in every experience. I'm happiest when I'm either learning or teaching. But I can do neither without giving my full attention to whatever or whoever needs to be in focus. That means listening with my whole body, all senses attuned to the moment.
Being able to tune in this way is why, even after 23 years of doing the show, I still have aha moments.
Meaningful things happen when you give someone your undivided—undistracted—attention. Because that's what everyone is really looking for: to be validated, appreciated, heard. To be raised up by their interactions, and not put down.
I know for sure: When we connect to what's alive in another person, the feeling is mutual.
And we both get a lift."
Side Bar ~ Jay and Ms. O in Brooklyn, NY on his grandmother's stoop.
Stay tuned. . . . Barbera Wa-Wa don't have nothing on H to tha Po'Po... Harpo that is!
I think part of what I am always looking for is locked up in what Oprah says, but I think it goes a bit further. I think what I need is to know that there is something more, beyond these fleeting moments we share here on this earth. I think what I am always striving for is to know that I can leave some sort of positive mark on this earth and being able to share it with someone would be the the aftermath of that journey. And you're not alone B. I too, enjoy the occasion sweeping affair with Madame Winfrey. She's just really hard not to like. Hey, it is what it is man.