Thursday, July 23, 2009

Race Remains A Factor - Don't Act Brand New!

Today is July 23, 2009 and my spirit is as cloudy as the dismal, bleak Atlanta forecast today.

I woke up disappointed and sadden by the things going on in the world. Perhaps it stems from last night, when I questioned myself as to WHY I BEEN SLEEPING on CNN ~ Black in America.

Clearly, I missed Black in America 1 and now playing catch-up with Black in America 2. I sat on the edge of my bed as I listen attentively to 30 kids ages 12 to 16 describe their emotions and thoughts about being a global ambassador for “Journey For Change”.

Their Journey to Johannesburg, South Africa for two weeks imploded an array of emotions within me, that the depth of my soul became consumed with immeasurable sadness. I watched as Soledad O’Brien and Ms. Malaak Compton-Rock maternal instincts kick into action, yet, hoping they learned some valuable lessons thru this experience.

I first was introduced to Ms. Compton-Rock courtesy of Oprah; however, last night she revealed to the world that she has taken Philanthropic Giving by storm. She solidified her desire and passion to empower our youth, by giving them insight, encouragement and exposure to a life outside of good ol’ Brooklyn, New York.

However, after their return home, I was so disappointed in some of the student’s grades. I prayed that the “Journey For Change” would ignite new drive and determination. However, some came up quite short. Yet, I just don’t want to give up on them!

Black in America 2. . . The title seems so simple, yet, in reality its so complex.

I couldn’t have asked for a better host for the CNN Special Investigations Unit other than Maria de la Soledad Teresa O’Brien.

This Afro-Cuba/Ireland Hispanic heritage beauty is the fifth of six children, who all graduated from Harvard University.

The mere word intelligent just doesn’t do her justice. She is phenomenal!

Ms. O’Brien, sincerity, quick-wittedness is so striking, that I can’t help but be smitten! I fell in love with Ms. O’Brien during her co-anchoring days on Weekend Today. But, after last night, I think I’m in love!

Ooooh and just for the record Ms. O’Brien I’m so ready for Black in America 3, because, clearly Cambridge, Massachusetts authorities missed Black in America 1 & 2.

So yeah, your special should be about your fellow Harvard University professor Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. Now you know he will break it on down for ya!

Because, clearly, they dun’ messed with the wrong BROTHA!

Even our President, spoke his mind and said WHAT. . . NO THEY DIDN’T!

“(CNN) -- President Obama said that police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "acted stupidly" in arresting a prominent black Harvard professor last week after a confrontation at the man's home. But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 ... that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

“The incident, Obama said, shows how race remains a factor in this society."

So brace yourself people. Black in America 3, 4 and 5 here we come!

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