Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why-O-Why Is It So Messy???

Andy is Hilarious!!

OOOH Sheree . . . How about you focus on your fashion line "She By Sheree" . . . Don't worry about Ms. NeNe!

About her children . . . REALLY????? That's such a low blow!

The show just turns me off now . . . Don't get me wrong in the beginning all the fighting and drama was so entertaining.

Now it's just like DAYUUMMMM, are these really grown ass women?

G'rl you need to get off your high horse with that BullSh*t!!!

Ms. Pheadra Parks . . .   You a mess too.

G'rl You Ain't No Sweet Southern Belle like you claim to be . . . Yo ass can be really Nasty!!!!


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