Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fact or Fiction . . . I'm Shooting For Fiction!!!

Oprah is pulling a Kim K. move to save her network.

"Oprah Winfrey is thinking about pulling a Kim Kardashian. She knows that she needs to do something real dramatic to save her network so she wants to put on a real show. She reportedly proposed to her boyfriend of more than 25 years, Stedman Graham, just so she can air their wedding on the OWN network. An insider said, “By marrying Stedman, she can not only give viewers a TV event that will rival the royal wedding, but also months of programming covering everything from: Shopping for her gown and choosing the wedding site to selecting the food and band. There will be bridal showers; even Stedman’s bachelor party will be televised.” Oprah also offered him a $100 million prenup for going along with it."

Side Bar ~ Now ya'll know I surely don't believe Momma O rolls like that!!


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