Courtesy of Philip Caulfield / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
"Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton said during an interview on NBC’s “Today” show that George Zimmerman stalked their son because he was black and had gotten away with murder after claiming he fired in self-defense."
"I strongly feel he needs to be arrested, because a crime was committed, Tracy Martin told Matt Lauer. My son is murdered, my son is not with us no (sic) more. Nothing can bring him back."
"The anguished parents appeared alongside their lawyer, Benjamin Crump, who suggested that race played a factor in the reluctance to arrest Zimmerman."
"It's crazy that this family has to wait for grand juries and stuff when, if it was the other way around, they would have arrested their son on the spot, Crump said."
"Local authorities on Tuesday announced that a grand jury would convene on April 10 to hear evidence in the case, one day after the Justice Department announced its Civil Rights Division had launched a probe."
"Trayvon, 17, was shot while walking back to his father's house after a trip to a 7-Eleven convenience store on Feb. 26."
"In a 911 call before the shooting, Zimmerman reported spotting a real suspicious guy in a hoodie walking through the gated community with something in his hand."
"He later ignored the dispatcher's order to stop following the teen, who was carrying candy and an iced tea."
"After the 911 call was released last week, speculation arose over whether Zimmerman — who told the dispatcher "these a-holes, they always get away" — used a racial slur."
"Tracy Martin told NBC he hadn't heard the entire tape, but he and Crump said they were shocked by Zimmerman's use of racially suggestive language, such as these people."
"[Zimmerman\] was suspicious because [Trayvon] was young, black with a hoodie, Crump said."
"It was revealed Tuesday that Trayvon was on the phone with an unidentified female friend moments before he was shot."
"The 17-year-old said Trayvon sounded worried and asked the man who was tailing him, What are you following me for?"
"The girl said she heard a scuffle, and then the phone went dead."
"Moments later, 911 calls from neighbors captured the sounds of someone screaming for help and a single gunshot."
"Fulton told NBC she hoped anyone who saw what happened in those final moments would come forward."
"There are witnesses. And I want them to take a look at the evidence that they have, Fulton said."
"My heart hurts because this guy has not been arrested and I feel like the Sanford police… they decided on the scene to be the judge and jury. I want this guy arrested so he can be brought to justice."
"The case has garnered national attention. A rally was planned for Wednesday in New York’s Union Square to call for Zimmerman's arrest."
Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman
Courtesy of Good Morning America
"The Florida police department handling the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen by a self-appointed neighborhood watch leader admitted to ABC News tonight that investigators missed a possible racist remark by the shooter as he spoke to police dispatchers moments before the killing."
"The admission comes a day after the Justice Department announced that it has launched an investigation of the slaying of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman last month as a possible hate crime."
"On a tape of one of Zimmerman's 911 calls the night of the shooting, he is heard saying under his breath what sounds like "f**ing coons." Seconds later he confronted Martin and after a brief scuffle shot him dead."
"Zimmerman claimed self defense, and was not charged with any crime. "
"It's the latest in a series of possible police missteps uncovered by ABC News."
"The Sanford Police Department has come under withering criticism for failing to reach out to Martin's girlfriend, who was talking to the teen on his cell phone and heard the altercation with Zimmerman take place."
"Among other issues, police have been criticized for:"
"Withholding a batch of telling 911 calls, including the one revealing Zimmerman's possible racist remark."
"Sending a narcotics detective to the scene, instead of a homicide detective, as is typical for homicides."
"And failing to administer a drug and alcohol test to Zimmerman that night, which homicide investigator Rod Wheeler called a fatal flaw in the investigation."
"The fact that Mr. Zimmerman was not given a toxicology test or breathalyzer examination is huge. Very huge, Wheeler said. He also wondered why Zimmerman's vehicle was not investigated or impounded. "
"The Sanford Police Department says it stands by its investigation, and that it was not race or incompetence that prevented it from arresting Zimmerman but the law."
"Martin had left his father's fiance's home to buy a pack of skittles at a convenience store. On the way back he called his 16-year-old girlfriend. She was on the phone with him as he told her about a man following him."
"He said this man was watching him, the girl recounted. So he put his hoodie on, said he lost the man. I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast, I told him to run but he said was not going to run."
"But the man would catch up to Trayvon, she recalled."
"Trayvon said, 'What are you following me for?' and the man said, 'What are you doing here?' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing and somebody push Trayvon, because the headset just fell, she said. I called him again and he didn't answer the phone."
Side Bar ~ When this story broke out I really had a hard time reading and seeing it on the news, so I was hesitant to post this on my blog. I became incensed with rage, and it made me realize that at times I really can hate people. The word Hate is such a strong word, that I personally try my best to not use that word in my daily vocabulary.... But, at this moment in time I literally HATE George Zimmerman.
I questioned the Lord because I'm tired of never hearing answers and I cannot understand why this 17 year old young man was taking from us, due to pure hate.
And, then the 911 tapes were released.
Hearing, Trayvon screaming in the background asking for help and knowone came to his rescue, broke me down. I just could not imagine, the fear of knowing you may die and neighbors who were so afraid that they stayed in their homes as they listen to him yelling his last words took my breath away.
So fam’ I'm hurt, dishearten, and oppressed . . . And I question, what is the state of our humanity?
If you like to sign a petition regarding "Justice for Trayvon Martin" please visit:
R.I.P. ~ Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin Parents ~
Father Tracy Martin & Mother Sybrina Fulton

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