Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rhythmic Backbone of God's Desire!

It’s the little things that touch my soul.

Whether it’s the lyrics of a song, the vibrations of a beautiful instrument or the inclinations in someone’s voice . . . That particular aspect, state, character or action can move me like none other.

“Forever Jones ~ Family band” has done just that for me.

At a time in my life when I have willingly traded in my gift of life and have embraced desolation this song kept playing in my memory bank reminding me that he wants it all!

“There's a voice that cries out in the silence,
searching for heart that will love him,
longing for child that will give him their all,
give it all, he wants it all

And there's a God that walks over the earth,
he's searching for heart that is desperate,
And longing for child that will give him their all,
give it all, he wants it all

And he says, love me, love me with your whole heart
he wants it all today
serve me, serve me with you life now
he wants it all today
bow down, let go of your idols
he wants it all today
He wants it all” ~ Forever Jones

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