Tuesday, October 26, 2010

R.I.P. DAD ~ The Storm Is Over Now!

Dear Dad,

At 6:58 p.m., October 18, 2010 the phone rings and before I can say hello a voice somberly says “he’s gone”. My heart begins to pound, yet there is no audible sound, no wince, nor cry aloud, just the silence that covered me like a dark cloud. Eventually, I utter the words, “okay”. At that moment, those two words had the power to bring me to my knees.

As I stop and take a glance at my tear stained reflection in the mirror, for a split second, I see you Dad staring back at me. Your smile, your look, your attitude, even your name, they all define the essence of me.

Even though we talked about the fact that this day would come, that I would be strong when it came, somehow everything was not okay. My world instantly collapsed into anguish and disarray. At the age of thirty-two I have lost you, my “best-friend”, my “father”, my “hero”, the man that molded me into the man I am today.

You loved me unconditionally despite my ways and for that I am grateful. Yet, my love for you has been judged and scrutinized in every way. But, for once it’s not about anyone else, just you and me. A “Father” and “Son” relationship that is unbreakable despite what people choose to see.

I love you Dad, and I want you to know that you meant the world to me.

You were taken from me far too soon and now I am left to navigate the world on my own. But fear not Dad…. I have learned my lessons well. Now it is your time to be free from the pain and sorrow of this world.

Know that I will hold you close within my heart and be the best son that I could be.

Love Always,

Brent aka B'wood



  1. I was moved by this, so touching. My your father live in peace. As a son who lost his father years ago I know the pain. Remember he is in a better place. My thought and prayers go out to you and your family.

  2. Wow!! Bwood looks just like him!!!

  3. This is beautiful…I read it on facebook last night. I swear it made me cry!!!

  4. This is nice.. You look just like his dad

  5. Beautifully said! He looks just like his dad. My man just lost his dad on the 25th of this month to his battle with cancer, and unfortunately he can't say that he shared such a beautiful relationship as BWOOD did with his dad. That is why you must cherish your loved ones everyday because life is not promised to no one.


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