Thursday, September 30, 2010


courtesy of gossipjacker

Its known in the industry that Bey and Jay f**ked around on each other ALOT in the beginning.

"Honey B and Jay are just like alot of these couples in hollywood who have their side dish going on the side even if they love each other because thats just the way it is. The only diff is because Bey runs sh*t the way she does, and makes the change she does, she's known for flippin the script like the men do in the biz, and that supposedly the only reason Jay even fell in love with her the way he did was because she kept it moving on his ass in the beginning. So after they got together and official, she was still bumping uglies with a few industry and non industry booty boys she kept on the side....from what I heard Bey has since calmed down with it and Jay as well...

Let me also say a little story I know about Bey and Sean Paul....I know back when they recorded Baby Boy they f**ked, Jay found out and thats why he wasnt having it when they performed at the awards that year, and if you notice Bey performed alone while they just played Sean Paul's vocals over the track even though Sean was sitting right there at the awards in the audience....also because Jay found out, he didnt let Sean Paul come onto the set when Bey was filming her part of the video, Sean got to the set and got turned away and told they'd call him to come back and film his part when Bey was done."

Sean Paul spoke about not being able to perform with bey.. They did not tell him she'd be doing the song without him so he said. He claimed he just sat down and then heard the beat drop and there was bey singing without him..

Prior to that incident, Sean Paul was running his mouth to a Caribbean magazine and anyone who would listen that if he wanted Beyoncé he could have her...then after he was left to dry at the awards show, he was crying out about how he had been "wronged"."

Side Bar ~ I say hey, at the end of the day... He put a ring on it!
She's the main course meal now and I ain't mad at him!

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