Between Lady Gaga and Erykah Badu style, you can’t help but say it’s rather odd or whimisical.
However, it makes GOOD ENTERTAINMENT!!!!
I wish you much success Ms. Badu on your new album “New Amerykah Pary Two (Return of the Ankh).
SideBar ~
B’wood ~ Ms. Erica Abi Wright, at 39 years young, how you keep that body lookin’ like Fiyah G’rl?
Erkayh ~ Silent
B’wood ~ On you don’t feel like talkin’ . . . Well, hell I want a "Window Seat" too.
I don’t want no body next to me either.
Erykah ~ Presently, I’m standing here right now. . . Your’re so demanding. Tell me what you want from me? I’m concentrating on my music, lover and my babies.
B’wood ~ G’rl I just asked about your diet plan.
Erykah ~ I just want a ticket outta town, a look around!
I need somebody come get me
I need attention
I need your energy
I need someone to clap me
I need your direction
B’wood ~ What, B*itch you crazy . . . BYE!
Erykah ~ I just wanna chance to fly,
a chance to cry,
and a long bye, bye
B’wood ~ SECURITY!!!!!!!
Yes sir. . . she tryin' to take my cipher and I'm going ON & ON, movin' like a rollin stone.
Security ~ WHAT IN THE HELL!
B'wood ~ Oh, sorry we dun SMOKE THAT GOOD SH*T!

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