Tuesday, March 23, 2010



  1. She's right, but what can you do? If the method works and the producers of the songs know what they are doing, then folks are gonna put on the blinders and bob their heads to it anyway...Use your better judgement and keep it moving...

  2. Note to India: This is the kind or world we live in. Lady Gargle is a straight up rip off or Elton Jon and Madonna in the high point of their careers; Beyaki is the jack rip off of.....a number of female artists. Ho shit sells and if all fails do some ho shit. I feel your pain India (especially how the Grammys played you early in your career)...

    ...but if you wanna come up, engage in some ho shit.

  3. First she gets mad at Alicia when she took all the Grammys from her crying ass and now she mad a GaGa because she can't get any air time.NEWS FLASH India,even if GaGa wasn't around you couldn't get them to play your music videos!

  4. She's just throwing dirt @ lady gaga b'cuz she's been out for a year and a half, & she's already bigger than india will ever be! Also what the hell is she talking about? This ain't even a new trend - Madonna, Prince, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy osbourne, & so on and so forth have been using the shock value method for years & now ppl call them legends. Also what's wrong with sholder jackets? Michael Jackson use to wear sholder jackets. This washed up NO hit wonder needs to shut up! If ppl want to express themselves like this they can! Who is she to try to censer them just b'cuz she doesn't understand it?!?

  5. I agree with India Arie. There are truly talented artists who can sang without electronic engineering b/c of all the stupidity that is being pushed out. I am all for free expression but when can true singers, rappers, actors, etc come out and show the world how it is truly done. This crap that Lady Gag Me and Beyacki put out is bunch of s***. It's time for the public to stop making idiots rich based on a crotch shot, nipple shots or OMG someone hacked my computer/phone and leaked my pics. B**** please, your publicist leaked that crap to keep you in the spotlight.

  6. she need 2 b coo i am not my hair ok not gaga b e z i soo luv gaga & where is N D cuz its been a min may b cuz she takein shots @ other ppl when she need 2 b worryin about her self & gaga is better well 4 me
