Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Courtesy of Bossip

“Bossip is reporting that every time Shantayah Lewis looks in the mirror she will see a reminder of violence. She has dozens of stitches on the left side of her face. Shantayah and her cousin Shakeena were followed by a 17 year old girl who is dating the exboyfriend of her sister. They engaged in a brief scuffle. The 17 year old girl returned with her boyfriend, the reason of this mess. She then pulled out a knife and started swinging and stabbing Shantayah in her face.

“My face is too beautiful to be fighting,” Shantayah told the Daily News. “Fighting is not the key. Violence is not the way.” Shantayah should have never been involved… This is first class stupidity. The 17 year old girl is still at large. She needs to be put under the jail.”

SideBar ~ When I read this story my heart just sank, however, when I say the graphic pictures I became ANGRY and FRUSTRATED.

She’s so beautiful and the things we do when were young we often regret when we mature and become adults.

Her face is scared for LIFE, and I just wish she could change the hands of time.

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