Wednesday, November 25, 2009

DL Style

I know this is a touchy subject, but I'm just curious.

The Down Low or DL notion has always bothered me. Ever since J.L. King blasted its existence on Oprah, it has become one of our biggest burdens to bear.

But sometimes...I feel that the 'Down Low' notion is welcomed or romanticized in our community. There are books, shows and sometimes parties encouraging the 'hotness' of DL men. I understand the allure of the issue, but I don't think we should be placing DL men as viable options for a mate.

Maybe I'm off here, but I have to ask...Do we romanticize the 'Down Low'?

I would love to hear y'all thoughts.



  1. We sure do and uplift them and a lot of them have the nerve to even think they are better than us open gays. I have encountered so many of them that think we are good enough to fuck but not good enough to be in a relationship with or good enough to be seen in public with. It hurts because the black gay community is suffering from this.

    I know of a couple of blogs where these DL men blog and they talk about not coming out because they are not gay or they dont like to be around gays and are not here to be their savior....we did not ask them to save us but we would like some respect.

    They are always putting us down for being open but I mean damn! A lot of us open gays have sacrificed community, friends, and family just to be whom we are because we deserve a better life and one where we are happy. So why when they choose not to come out and so called SWITCH back to women or have a piece of us on the side...its okay?

    This issue bothers me so much because most of them that I encounter always say they are different from normal DL men but they are not! Same sorry ass excuses for not coming out each time. Im so over it....we need to come together and stop being so divided over this and holding them up high and catering to them. Its not fair to us.

    I was told the other day that


    I mean what the hell! ugh.....B thanks for letting me know I am not alone on this bullshit.


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